Bring along non-alcoholic alternatives to help you with cravings. You can also talk to your friends about your desire to quit drinking beforehand. And finally, remember that you can opt-out of the get-together if it’s making you uncomfortable. The most important thing is that you stick to your goals of living a sober life. Hopefully, you’ll be able to enjoy social events like BBQs without compromising your desire to quit drinking. The platter is a great accompaniment to barbecued meats, but is fresh enough to be a light lunch in its own right.

Alcohol gets broken down like a carbohydrate and therefore makes it very easy to surpass the “recommended” amount of carbs for one day. It’s easy to feel like a pain how to survive summer parties and boozy bbqs in the butt when you’re on a restrictive diet. But if you’re at a barbecue, it’s likely there are burgers on the grill, which makes for a convenient survival meal.

Genius Ideas for an Effortless Outdoor Party

Meanwhile, a cup of garbanzo beans has only 7.87 g of sugar, the USDA notes. Try these excellent sharing dishes, party nibbles and picnic platters, plus BBQ mains and pitchers that will result in maximum enjoyment with minimal effort. These let you eat leaner meats in small pieces without sacrificing flavor.

No matter how much booze there is, the gathering is about more than sitting outside and drinking. The real reason you’re going might be to catch up with old friends, celebrate a birthday or spend quality time with family. When you know what the point of an event is, you should start to see that you’re going to get that no matter what you’re drinking. You aren’t missing out – all you’re doing is pouring a different liquid into your glass. Invite guests to join you for a cookout with ice cream, margaritas, and sun by the pool with this festive invitation. It’s ideal for a beach-inspired bridal shower, bachelorette party, or girl’s getaway.

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”, and rich in the protective antioxidants vitamins A and C — 8 oz of tea has 14% and 72% of the RDA of each respectively. These antioxidants help neutralize the free radical damage from UV exposure, making hibiscus tea such a great summertime drink. I like to add a squirt of lime for a bit of extra flavor and vitamin C. It sounds obvious, but how many times have you decided to wait and see how you feel – only to end up drinking?!